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Drawing 1

What I like about my drawing is how I made sure that I got the right angle on the cups.  I made sure there were no tangents between any of the cups. I like how you can easily tell which object is closer and farther away.  Space was nice and evenly balanced over the whole paper.  I liked how the objects were placed in a nice triangle pattern.  Overall I'm looking to improve on the shading of lights an darks in my work.

My drawing was nicely balanced and you can clearly tell which object is higher or lower.  The range of value was nice, but I need to improve to get the super darks more spread out throughout the drawing.  The thick lines are easily seen on the darker objects as it provides more ease of the shape of the objects.  Light lines were used to give off the reflections inside the other objects.  I like how I brought detail from the reflections of light that were going into the objects. The shadowing was really nice throughout the objects as the light went through some of the bottles and the clear vase was only slightly dimed and lit. 

I liked how I used the triangle formation, It helped me take my time to observe my whole piece.  I wish I had more objects to fill the left half of my piece to balance it out more.  I admire that I had a wide variety of value with the graphite.  It really brought out the objects especially the Tie Fighter's wings.  Even the Highlight on the golfball brings out the values.  The line quality was very apparent among the objects to tell a hard from a soft edge.  The thin lines on the Fighter bring out the detail of the parts.  When going into shadow I liked how I had a very odd and strange shadow with my objects that differ from normal bottles.  With the golf ball, I really like how I drew and shadowed the highlights and the cast showed has two different values.  Overall  I would only change my balance to even it out more.  

I liked the image I chose because I took it myself, and how the mountains and the end of the road were just covered in mist.  I really like how you can tell where the 1 point perspective is on the paper.  The truck looks well done with the angle and how its parallel with the midpoint.  The wide value range makes the drawing pleasing to the eye.  Overall I really enjoyed drawing this and I loved how the mist looks, however, I would change the road signs or redo them next time. 

I really liked how the shirt completed the value scale a how it brings out the details in the image.  I feel like the proportions of my face are all even, I wish I would have made my chin bigger and made the face less round.  Overal I really like the 1-10 value scale and the shading in the face.  I would go back and thin the face out and add more detail on the neck and chin.  I would also make the hair longer on the sides.  I really liked my eyes and how they turned out.

I really like how accurate my 2 point perspective is.  All the lines match to the vanishing point.  I really liked how the stairs came out.  Their all even to the point of the angle where it was set.  I really liked how I incorporated the human foot on the dog.  I felt that it was creative and makes the drawing stand out.  The foot itself came out alright, from afar it looks cool as the detail comes out more.  I always am the first one to put a full value scale from 1-10.  The shadows from the stairs from the top and lower look really good.  And how I added the glare on the war on the darker side brought out this depth in the drawing. 

I love the composition of my drawing.  The tree is right in the middle but both sides are covered with branches and leaves.  It looks complete.  I like the range value as the underside of the branches are dark as you also see the super white of the light coming through the leaves.  I liked the use of the black charcoal mixed with the white and grey of the paper.  By using the grid system I feel that it really helped me find the right placement.  It looks very similar to the photo.  You can easily tell where the light is coming from the trees.  Overall this was really fun to draw a photo I took.

For my choice drawing, I really enjoyed using charcoal so I decided to do another.  I did it on normal paper because I wanted to drag the charcoal around to use for shading.  I really like how the background and some of the textures on the flower turned out.   I wish that was my plan originally because at first, I was going to make the background all black.  So I had outlined the flower in prep for that then when I ditched the idea it was too late.  However, you can still tell that the light source is coming from the left side which was hard to do but I liked how it turned out.

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